In the morning, Megan was out of bed when I woke up.
Jana lay in the crook of my arm, slobbering across my
elbow and forearm. One of the half ferrule cats which hang
around the place was laying across my feet.
I gently moved out of bed so as not to upset either of them,
then took a leak and brushed my teeth. I went out on the
porch after starting the coffee. Megan was across the yard,
standing waist deep in the pond. I watched her swimming
for a few moments, then went and got a cup of coffee. I
went down to the water's edge and sat down on the blanket
we had left out over night. I was half way to the water
when she saw me and waved.
She kept swimming back and forth, doing at least five laps
before walking out of the water toward me. God, what a
goddess rose out of the water before me. King Arthur never
saw a Lady of the Lake like this one.
She walked up and stood a few feet from me. I could tell
that she knew I was admiring her body, and I could tell that
she liked it.
"Good morning," I said.
"Fuck me," she replied.
She sat down on the blanket next to me and reached over to
me, taking my dick with both hands. She started stroking it
with the skill of a twenty-dollar Bangkok whore.
I scrambled around and knelt between her feet, then went
down on her. I don't think I will ever tire of licking preteen
pussies. Their smoothness and lite scent and taste is
enthralling. Soon her juices were flowing and she was
ready to ride me. I rolled off her and lay down on my back
next to her.
When I started to pull Megan on top of me, she said, "No.
You on top this time."
I let her fall back on to her back, then climbed onto my
hands and knees above her. Looking down, I guided my
dick as best I could to her pussy. She bent her legs, her
knees against my hips as I lightly pushed against her
vaginal gateway. Her pussy easily opened and admitted my
I was careful not to put my weight on the tiny girl as I
fucked her missionary style. Megan wrapped her arms and
legs around me and accepted my total physical domination
as she thrusted her hips up to accept me. Soon we were
both engulfed in an intense climax. As I pumped my
morning seed into the little nine-year-old, she bit down on
my collar bone while she was assaulted by her orgasm. I
buried my face in her wet hair.
I rolled over, pulling her with me. She lay, shrunken on top
of me, panting.
A shadow passed over us and I opened my eyes to see Jana,
standing a few feet from us, watching.
"Hi honey," I said.
I waited for her to say anything more. After a pause,
"What's for breakfast?"
The three of us walked, hand in hand, back to the house and
I made a western omelet. Then we cleaned up the house
and, at about 10, put on clothes and headed into town to
meet the girl's mother.
Lori was still as beautiful as ever. She still weighed just
over 100 pounds, 5'3". She had let her chestnut hair grow a
little longer, it just reached her shoulders. She had the front
in bangs which made a straight line across her wide
forehead, just at the level of her eye brows. Megan took
after her, in fact, if their difference in ages could be erased,
they could be twins. Jana took after her father.
The girls ran up to her, I stood back and watched the
reunion, then Lori hugged me and gave me a kiss.
"So, how have my girls been?" she asked.
"No complaints."
"I'll bet." She gave me a rye expression, softened with a
little smile.
"Have you to been having fun?" she asked the girls.
Jana squealed back "Yeah!" but Megan was a little more
reserved in her reaction.
We ate lunch at an Arby's, then went grocery shopping at
Wal-Mart. Megan and Lori got off alone for quite a while
during our time in the store. When we met up again at the
checkout, everything seemed normal, no hurt feelings.
We headed out on I-25, later we had dinner at a road side
greasy spoon, then started up the hill into the mountains.
The girls were asleep in the back and Lori and I had talked
ourselves out. The car was quiet and sleepy. As happens to
me often, under the circumstances, I started to get a woody,
my dick was straining against my jeans.
I was pleasantly surprised when Lori leaned over and,
playfully, bit my cock through the denim. She started
stroking me and I slouched down slightly. It wasn't long
before I was freed from the cloth prison and my kid sister
was bobbing.
Lori is an accomplished cocksucker. When she was a
"tween" and I was a young adolescent, we had taught each
other. She swallowed her first mouthful of my sperm when
she was ten (I was fourteen). Since we were first lovers, we
have always fucked and sucked when we were together. At
first, when she was married, we stayed out of bed, but,
when I visited Seattle a couple months after Megan was
born, and Jon was out on patrol...
Laura massaged my balls with one hand while she grasped
my cock with the other. She held my head in her mouth and
twisted her neck from side to side, then shoved me way
down her throat. For a few minutes, she held my cock
straight up and licked it like an ice cream cone, only to
plunge again.
I heard a giggle and looked in the mirror, both girls were
watching us. Laura looked up. "Girls, take notes. I'll show
you exactly how to suck your uncle's dick." Then she went
back to work.
The children were leaning over the seat, watching their
mother blowing me. The car was on cruise control and,
luckily, this part of the road was straight. When I started to
cum, Lori lifted up so her daughters could get a good view
of my jez straying into her mouth and across her face.
Lori sat up, wiping my semen from around her mouth with
the back of her hand. "It's been a long time, Mark, you
taste just as sweet as ever." She leaned forward and we
exchanged a gooey, open mouth, kiss.
From the back seat, Megan piped us. "Why don't we all get
naked? It'd be fun to be driving along like that."
I looked at Lori. She gave me a devilish grin, then pulled
her shirt off over her head. Next she reached behind her and
unfastened her bra, freeing her small tits. She sat back
down and struggled out of her jeans. I was pleased to see
that she still kept the small patch of curls well trimmed. She
had started doing that for me when she was 13. For having
had two kids, her tummy was still remarkably flat, just a
little softness and stretching around her navel.
In the rear view mirror, I could see clothes flying as shirts
were pulled free of shoulders and hair, then knees pointed
up as pants were worked over them.
"Here, I'll take the wheel while you strip," Lori said.
I checked my speed, then let her take over. It was a little
slow pulling my clothes off while not hitting the wheel. At
one point, my shoe hit the brake lightly and cut out the
cruise control. The car slowed until I pushed "resume" and
we sped back up to 65.
Jana asked if she could come forward and she crawled over
the seat and sat between her mother and I. They cuddled up,
meanwhile, Megan lay across the back, reading a book. I
turned on the radio as we sped through the grass and
juniper covered lands.
Jana and Lori were whispering some, then there was some
giggling, but I really didn't pay it much attention until Jana
leaned over and took my cock between her chubby little
hands. Then, with out preamble, she leaned down and
started to suck on my flaccid member. It didn't stay that
way for long, I was almost instantly erect.
I guess that twisting and leaning over was a little
uncomfortable for the preschooler, she was soon on her
hands and knees on the bench seat, her head bobbing up
and down on my shaft, her ass in her mothers face.
First, Lori smiled as she looked at the five-year-old ass,
thrust up into her face, then she got an idea and with
a smile, held up one finger. I couldn't see but
it was obvious that Jana didn't mind the feeling of her
mother's finger sliding into her pussy. She sort of sighed
and flared her hips back.
I built slowly, after all, I had just had a blow job about 20
minutes earlier, and Jana came quickly, taking my dick out
of her mouth and groaning as she pushed back against her
mother's finger.
I felt a breath against my neck, then Megan's arms circled
my shoulders as she leaned over the seat, reaching for my
woody. As Jana came a second time, Megan ran the head of
my cock in and out of her cupped hands. Jana sat up in her
mother's lap, her legs spread for her mother.
For me, there was just one way to improve; "Megan, come
here and sit on my lap." There are advantages to driving a
big fat Buick.
The nine year old climbed over the seat, then started to
slide onto my lap. "No, facing me."
She got the idea and, with a grin, we worked her onto my
lap. She reached down between us and guided me into her
tight pussy.
"Hey, you two really are fucking," Lori said.
We didn't answer as Megan started to raise then lower
herself, working me in and out of her girl-cunt. I looked
over her shoulder and tried to concentrate on steering as she
became wetter and wetter.
A car passed, going in the other direction, I doubt the driver
realized what he had seen. I looked in him in the mirror-
no brake lights.
The first time Megan came, she leaned back against the
wheel and honked the horn. We all broke out laughing but
soon it was quiet again as Lori worked Jana back up to
another orgasm and I felt the pressure build.
It took another couple of minutes before the three of us all
came. The car behaved as I emptied my sack into Megan
and Jana moaned and pushed her mother's two fingers into
her, then it was quiet as we all calmed down. Megan lay
against me, my cock still deep in her third-grade snatch.
"Ya know, y'all've had a great time, kind of left me out,"
Lori said.
With regret, I motioned for Megan to move. "Hey girls,
move to the back, I need to service your mother."
I slowed the car and pulled onto the shoulder. If the trucker
that passed had looked, he would have seen my ass sticking
up as I licked my sister's lovely pussy to a screaming
orgasm. At one time I came up for air to see that Jana was
giving her big sister the same treatment in the back seat,
undoubtedly sucking my cum out of Megan's cooch.
It was just dark when we arrived at my cabin. In the dim
twilight, I showed Lori around the place, she walked knee
deep into the pond, looked in on the horses, then we went
into the house.
The girls were raiding the fridge, each eating a bowl of ice
cream. When a blob fell of Jana's spoon into her lap, I
volunteered to lick it off. There were a lot of giggles as I sat
her on the counter and slurped up the molten strawberry
cream. There were some deep breaths and sighs when I
licked the dribble that had run down her slit.
But, it was bath time, and the two girls ran off to the
bathroom and Lori asked if I had a shower in the master. I
was left alone, so I lit off my laptop to watch the girls.
When the system came up, I was very pleased. The tub was
full and Jana was on her back with Megan kneeling
between her knees giving her a head job. Of course, the
camera angles didn't allow me to get a really good look at
the action, but the scene was incredibly erotic.
Even though I had already cum three times that day, my
dick rose in my hand as I stroked it to the show. I was so
engrossed that I didn't notice the water in the shower stop
running or Lori walk up behind me.
"Wow, nice show!" she said.
I looked up, "Yah. I put these web cams in before the girls
Lori leaned over me from behind and put her arms across
my chest, then took my cock away, pushing my hands off.
Megan was furiously fingering herself as she brought her
little sister closer and closer. Then Lori stepped around me
and sat down, easily guiding my cock into her.
"God, it's been so long, Mark," she said.
I nuzzled her hair and ear, watching the girls over her
"Have they been doing that for long?" I asked.
Between her breaths, as she raised and lowered herself on
my cock, Lori said, "I don't think so...." Then, "They're
horny little ones, aren't they?"
I was quickly building, "They've kept me busy."
"Aa....ah...couple of d...days ago."
Through the wall, we could hear Jana squeal as she came.
The sound of her daughter's ecstasy brought Lori off and,
soon after, I pumped my sperm (what little I could muster)
into my sister's womb. She leaned forward, her arms on the
desk, her face close to the screen. She was panting.
"I've always felt you're the best fuck I've ever had," she
"Your daughter's a close second," I said.
My cock was still deep in my little sister's cunt. "Don't
bullshit me, I know that you live for fucking little girls."
"I mean, dear," I said, "when you were her age."
"We didn't fuck 'till I was ten."
I pulled her back against me and kissed the nap of her neck.
Her hair was wet and smelled of shampoo. "What ever."
All four of us spent the night curled around each other in
my bed. At one point, I came dimly awake to the feeling of
some ones little hand stroking my cock, but when it didn't
react, we both fell back asleep.
The next day, what was going to be our last one of the
vacation, was very slow. We woke late and had breakfast
on the veranda. Then we all went for a swim in the pond.
Lori and I lay on a blanket in the sun as the girls splashed
around. It wasn't long before Lori was on top, riding my
cock. The thought that the girls, for just a few yards away,
could see me sliding in and out of their mother, watch her
enveloping me as I slid in all the way, watch us both
building, the tension getting stronger as the crescendo
approached, then see me lifting my ass off the blanket as I
slammed my cock in and filled their mothers womb. I
wondered if the girls realized that my sperm was flooding
into the same place that they each had ridden, warm and
We were laying together, still coupled when Jana came and
lay down on top of her mother, nuzzling her neck. Then I
felt Megan next to me, laying one of her arms and one of
her legs across us.
She was positioned just right for me to turn my hand out
and feel her pubs. She inhaled when I ran my finger along
her slit, then pushed the end into her. With my other hand, I
was pleased to discover, I was able to cup Jana's ass and,
pushing her forward just a couple of inches, let me also
finger her tiny hole.
Soon, both of the little girls were panting and humping,
Lori and I were wrapped in a lovely blanket of ardorus
children. I felt another hand on mine, the one that I was
finger-fucking Megan with. At first I was a little confused,
then I realized it was Lori. Her hand was on top, moving
with mine as I petted her daughter. I lifted mine to make
room for hers underneath, then guided Lori's hand over her
daughter's snatch and her finger into her child's vagina. I
moved my hand with hers, even pushing my finger into
Megan also, so she had both of us inside her.
All this activity had brought me back to life, and I was also
humping, sliding in and out of Lori. Jana slid off the side
opposite her sister and, as things worked out, I fingered her
to climax while Lori got her older child off. Both girls were
panting in the afterglow when I pumped just a small squirt
of jez into Lori's quivering snatch. We lay together like
that for several minutes before we all went and rinsed off in
the pond before going back up to the cabin for lunch.
That afternoon, I saddled the horses and, with Megan on an
ATV, we showed Lori around the place. I must admit, it
was the first time I had ever ridden a horse naked, and I
found it a bit uncomfortable. The squeezing of my balls
between the leather saddle Jana's sweet little ass brought
the most remarkable combination of pleasure and pain. I
was only able to muster a half hard on as I finger-fucked
Jana to a groaning orgasm as we moved along the trail.
Lori was a bit big for the pony, so we only went a couple of
miles before returning, the little beast was flagging under
the weight of an adult. The sun was nearing the mountain
tops as I barbecued some burgers. The apron I put on was
the first clothes I had worn since arriving the night before.
Megan and I did the dishes while Jana and Lori sat out on
the porch. When we were finished, I took two rum and
cokes out for Lori and I, the girls got the coke without the
rum. Jana was on Lori's lap, we sat in silence.
I was laying back, watching Jupiter rise above the mountain,
when I heard a little squeak from Jana. I looked over and,
although it was dark, I could see that Jana had her legs
spread, her knees outside her mother's thighs, and her head
nestled between Lori's tits. Lori had both her hands in
Jana's crotch and was obviously rubbing her little girl,
building her to a rapid climax. My own dick was just
beginning to rise when Jana arched her back and caught her
breath-it is amazing how quickly the five-year-old gets
She sank down, her breath slowing. Then she sat up and
turned around, facing her mother.
"Mommy, please let Uncle Mark put his thing in me."
We were silent for a moment, then Lori said, "He might
hurt you, honey, you're still pretty small."
"You wont hurt me, will you Uncle Mark?" she turned
toward me.
I looked at Lori, just the thought of fucking the preschooler
was enough to make me rock hard. "I'd love to try."
"You stay here," Lori said as she got up and led Jana inside,
"I'll call you when we're ready."
I light went on inside and Megan asked, "Wont you hurt
her a lot? I can barely get my fingers in her?"
In the darkness, I grinned, "We'll see."
Megan reached over and grasped my cock, stroking it
gently. Next she knelt next to my chair and took me into
her mouth.
I stroked the back of her head, "Watch that, darling, I may
not have anything for your little sister."
"MMmmmm," the vibration moved through me like a
gentle electric current. I marveled as I felt my cock again
pushed against the back of her throat, then pushed harder.
"We're ready!" came Lori's voice from inside.
We stood up, but Megan didn't let go of my cock-she led
me in by it.
Lori had put Jana up on the table. The little one was sitting,
her ass at the edge, leaning back on her hands. She had her
knees pulled up and spread apart. She was watching, and
panting, as her mother pushed two fingers in and out of her
tiny pussy. On the table, next to Jana, was a bottle of baby
oil, her crotch, the insides of her thighs, and her mother's
hand were glistening with the oil.
Megan led me over to her little sister who looked, first at
my cock, then at my face with a wide-eyed, open mouthed
expression. She was flushed, beads of sweat were on her
forehead and upper lip. As her mother continued fingering
her, she closed her eyes and humped, pulling her knees up
to her shoulders and throwing her head back, another
orgasm sweeping over her tiny frame.
Lori removed her hand from her daughter's genitals and
brushed her wet blonde hair back. "Are you ready for your
Uncle Mark?" she asked.
Jana looked at her mother, "Will it hurt?"
"It may, at first. If it hurts a lot, just tell me darling, Uncle
Mark will stop."
The five-year-old looked at me, then at my cock and in a
quiet voice said, "ok."
Lori picked up the bottle of oil and squirted some on the
top of my dick, then she moved her hand up and down the
shaft, spreading the slippery fluid.
"Ok, Mark. Go real slow."
I took a step forward and placed the head of my cock
against the tiny slit. It looked like I would split the little girl
in half. Megan went around behind her sister and, climbing
up on the table, knelt behind her. She put her arms around
her sibling and watched from over her shoulder. Then Lori
reached down and, as best she could with all the
slipperiness, spread Jana's lips apart, opening the gap.
I gently pushed against the child and her lips spread around
the tip of my cock.
"Is it Ok?" Lori asked.
I pushed a little harder and Jana stiffened.
"Do you want me to stop?" I asked.
I pushed just a little more and, suddenly, the head of my
cock disappeared inside her. I couldn't believe I was
fucking a five-year-old!"
"Oh Mommy!" she sort of whimpered.
I held still.
"Is it Ok? Do you want him to stop?"
"It's ok, Mommy." Then she looked at me. "I love you,
Uncle Mark."
I leaned forward, putting my hands on the edge of the table.
"I love you too, Jana." I said as I started moving, just a
little, back and forth.
I pulled back, pulling about half the head out of the child,
then slowly pushed back in. Jana let out a sigh. On my
second push, I was amazed that about a half inch of the
shaft slid into her.
The little one was amazingly tight, it felt like I was pushing
my cock into a tightly clamped fist. On the third push, the
head and about an inch slid in before I reached the top. On
my next push, Jana groaned.
That's when I lost some of my nervousness and started to
feel what it was like. With my every thrust, Jana would
rock and groan, a low voice from deep in her throat. I was
now moving with regularity and smoothness, truly fucking
my niece. Her groans changed to grunts. Then she looked
straight at me, her face in shock and let out a low, guttural,
I felt her baby pussy spasm around my dick. I bucked and
fired my sperm inside her. I shoved into her again, pumping
more semen into the five-year-old's womb as waves of
climax washed over her. Jez leaked out around my cock,
filling in around her bright-red clit. My dick twitched as I
emptied the last of my sperm into her.
We were both panting. My knees were weak. I wrapped my
arms around her and pulled her against me. Megan and Lori
hugged us both as Jana continued to pant. We stayed that
way for a couple of minutes, then I lay Jana back onto the
table. Her ribs were still heaving.
I looked down. My cock was still inside her. Her cunt lips
seemed impossibly stretched around my shaft. I pulled back
and her pussy relinquished its hold. I slid out, a string of
white goo stretched from my pee hole to her snatch for a
second, then breaking.
Her whole mons was pinkish and her pussy lips, around the
opening, were a nasty red. Lori looked down at her and
gently pushed on one, there was a hiss of breath from Jana.
"OOoo, she's going to be bruised," Lori said.
She brushed a string of wet hair off of Jana's forehead.
"Did he hurt you, darling?"
Jana sat up and hugged me, "Oh, Uncle Mark, I love you so
I pushed her head back and kissed her. "I love you too,
honey." Then, after a pause, "Did it hurt?"
"A little at first, but then...."
Lori took Jana into the bath and washed the oil and semen
off her in the tub, then tucked her into bed. She was asleep
before I went in to kiss her forehead.
When I came out, Lori said, "Megan wants to screw you
now, if you feel up to it."
Megan had assumed her sister's position on the table. Her
crotch was wet with the baby oil and, as I watched, she
pushed her index finger into her hairless cunt. She closed
her eyes and took a deep breath as she then pushed a
second finger inside her.
Lori came over and knelt in front of me. It is really
something to watch a grade schooler masturbating while
getting a blow job from her mother. I was really hard,
really soon.
Lori stood up and led me, again by the dick, to her older
daughter, then positioned my cock at the child's pussy. I
pushed and slowly sank into her. Megan lay back on the
table and watched my face as I watched my cock slide in
and out of her. What a sight, the nine-year-old was splayed
out on the table, opened completely for me. I hadn't noticed
Lori leave but then heard the whine of the DVD recorder as
she filmed her daughter getting fucked.
We both came at the same time, I shoved deep inside the
child and blew my sperm. Lori zoomed in on her little girls
cunt as it quivered and some semen oozed out around the
edges, then pulled back to show her entirely as she lay
We put the girls to bed together after cleaning to oil off the
semi-conscious fourth grader. Then Lori and I cuddled
together in my bed. There was no way I was going to be
able to screw again that night. However, in the morning, as
she lay on her stomach, still asleep, I knelt above her, then
leaned forward over her. She woke up as I pushed my dick
into her from behind. She flared her hips as I humped her
from behind. I rolled over, pulling her on top of me, facing
the ceiling. We had a crashing orgasm together as I
squeezed her tits and fingered her cunt. Only when we had
calmed down did we notice the two onlookers in the
Jana and Megan jumped into bed and soon they were both
on their backs, legs spread, knees in the air. I licked and
sucked Megan while Lori gently brought her littlest one off,
being careful not to hurt her bruised pussy.
This was our last love making as their plane left early that
afternoon. However, it was arranged that, in November, I
would join them for Thanksgiving.